Power Monitoring

Power infrastructure monitoring can prevent unpredictable operational compromise including structural failure, fire, and damage to systems.

The Problem

Severe weather conditions, such as high winds, freezing rain, combined with extreme temperature variations, place non-stop relentless stress on power infrastructure, causing failures. Wildfires, lightning strikes and sudden impacts are events that can lead to unpredictable operational compromise including structural failure and fire. Power infrastructure monitoring can provide a real-time stop gap to decelerate and, in some cases, prevent damage to systems.

Aging Infrastructure

Remote and widely-distributed power infrastructure equipment is difficult to directly observe and, if left unattended, can rapidly degrade, introducing operational and safety risks. This is particularly true for aging infrastructure.


  • A Stickershock® sensor is affixed to each power transformer on a pole, or to the pole itself. There are no sleeves or couples to go attach to power lines.

  • Sensors are linked wirelessly in a continuous mesh along the line until an end-point router is reached.

  • A single chain of meshed sensors can be hundreds, even thousands of units long, and terminate at a router end-point where information can be communicated to the cloud via hardline or cellular.

Our Solution

Stickershock® sensor and tracker technology provides health and safety monitoring for power equipment with an emphasis on:

  • Health detection

  • Early failure warning

  • Predictive maintenance

  • Maintenance tracking

Stickershock® Sensor attached to each pole monitors: 

  • Atmosphere (high wind, dryness)

  • Temperature (fire hazard)

  • Oscillations (structural weakness)

  • Orientation (damage, tipping, impact)

  • Vibrations (transformer health)

Stickershock® Tracker provides:

  • Perpetually powered via solar cell or by tapping the transformer

  • Battery backup for night operations

  • Pre-configured with AT&T service (5G NB-IoT, 4G LTE)

  • Monitors pole condition

  • Includes GPS satellite position

  • Periodic updates to cloud

  • Cloud based dashboard

  • Alerts via mobile app




Machine Health