Game Changer

It’s not only about the game. AI powered IoT is changing the way athletes, teams and fans engage with their sport.

Player performance

The Stickershock® platform enables advanced analytics from data-rich metrics to identify player efficiency, strengths and weaknesses in key performance areas, enabling both assessment and improvement.

Fan engagement

Because Stickershock® works directly with mobile device apps, it enables fans to track their performance against other players, at all levels, anywhere in the world.

Broadcast informatics

AI powered analytics are a game changer for sports broadcasting. They take the guesswork out of sports metrics and provide a new level of richness to commentary. Everything from ball placement, to swing deconstruction, from fatigue analysis to performance estimation are possible.

Player safety

Stickershock® enabled smart helmets and safety gear in game and in practice, provide real-time detection of potential injuries, concussions and multiple high-risk hits. Coaches and medical staff have improved visibility to make decisions whether to remove the players from a game.

Sports equipment monitoring

Stickershock® enables data analytics of how well sports equipment has performed over a period of time or how well it will perform for a particular player. This allows informed decisions on purchase, customization, repair or replacement.

Long tail data

The accumulation over time of player, safety and equipment metrics creates a rich and valuable data set for use by the industry as a whole.


Machine Health


Human Factors